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Results for "keyword: "crazy wisdom""
Finch Two examples of life lessons taught by an engineer to a robot.
Prajna Earth: Journey into Sacred Nature A visually stunning portrait of the devotional lives of Buddhists and Hindus in Cambodia, Bali, and Java.
My Afternoons with Margueritte A tender and touching love story in a small French town where two unlikely people connect in an appealing and magical way.
Backs Against the Wall: The Howard Thurman Story Top-drawer documentary on the African-American mystic, pastor, and spiritual mentor to leaders in the civil rights movement.
Global Spirit - The Call of Wisdom Phil Cousineau in conversation with Jean Shinoda Bolen and Roger Walsh on the many forms of wisdom in our times.
Mysteries of the Jesus Prayer A documentary that presents a long-needed overview of Eastern spirituality in our time with its emphasis on prayer, silence, and living icons.
Milton's Secret A transformational film about a radiant octogenarian passing on his spiritual wisdom to his grandson.
Seymour: An Introduction A cogent and exquisite documentary about Seymour Bernstein, a classical pianist who has spent decades passing on his wisdom to his students.
Crazy Wisdom: The Life and Times of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche An edifying documentary on the controversial Tibetan Buddhist spiritual teacher.
Kumare A spiritually challenging documentary about guru-disciple relationships and taking responsibility for our own spiritual growth and maturation.